Online order
Online order
User name
Exhibition name name
Exhibition address
Exhibition time

Exhibit booth area and structure

( Pleases add ground plan)
Exhibit booth number
 Exhibition  time    Place limits  high  
Symbol ( LOGO) behind Addenda other
Company slogan ( Slogan)
Propagandizes data behind Addenda mail Send E-mail
Exhibit booth style
Will be brief whole atmosphere luxury science and technology sense 
economically application
 art will sense( Style) China tradional style( Era style)
 europeanism will be style other
 Quantity an size:
Function request
 reception Will be between storage Sq.m.
 image area Sq.m.
 display area( Will centralize subarea will centralize Will be
individually asunder) posters Piece ( Size)
 discuss area open half will obturate Will be
totally enclosed box
AV equipment
 television wall( 2x2 3x3 4x4 5x5 other)
 plasma television Platform/ Size projection/ Size
will throw at Will recite throw at)
 LED size other
Builds chief material
 timberwork metal structure hophornbeam structure aluminum
materical structure paper-made
( Iron + glass sunshine board organism piece) cloth skill other
Fund budget
Contact person and style
 Mr. / Lady   Web address:
 TEL;    FAX: E-mail:
Copyright  Shanghai daojin exhibition service limited company Email login  沪ICP备:07014027号 沪公网安备 31011202002228号  support:JINHUI